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Bring It! Wiki
Three's a Crowd
Season 5, Episode 11
Episode Information
No. in Season 11
No. in Series 109
Air Date August 30, 2018
Location Nashville, Tennessee
Competition Name/Host Baby Buckdown
# of viewers (in millions) 0.47
Episode Guide
Previous Episode
Grudge Match Gone Wrong
Next Episode
The Ultimate Captain's Battle

"Three's a Crowd" is the eleventh episode of Season 5 of Bring It!. It first aired on August 30th, 2018.


Dianna travels to the Birmingham Dollhouse to coach the Baby Dolls for their first huge competition and finds complete chaos when they can't pull off their choreography. Dianna leaves Kayla in charge to coach the Jackson Dolls and help her narrow the final three picks for the captain's position down to two.


This week's competition is in Nashville, Tennessee at the 'Baby Buckdown' competition. There will be a baby field show, a baby pom-pom category and a trio for the Big Dolls.


The mothers are talking about what happened to Selena last week and Mimi says she has seen Selena and she is still not well enough to return this week.

Torrey begins practice and Kayla and he are running practice this week while Dianna is in Birmingham. Miss D calls the team from Birmingham and reveals that the Baby Dolls will be going to a competition this week and there is a trio category for the older dancers. She then reveals that she is cutting down the list of potential captains from six to three, and those three will perform the trio. The three potential captains are Makya, Princess, and Crystianna. Dianna then says that she will be eliminating one of these girls next week based on how they perform in this trio. The trio will be American football-themed.

Over in Birmingham, Miss D starts working with the Baby Dolls on their field show. She cuts some of the girls and the parents are worried.

Back in Jackson, Kayla is teaching the girls the introduction and conclusion for the trio. Then, Kayla works with the girls in the trio.


Mimi has come to visit Selena and she brings her food and coffee. Mimi asks Selena about what happened and Selena assures Mimi that she is okay. Mimi does not believe her and Selena admits that she is scared to find out what is wrong with her. Mimi tells her that she needs to find out because whatever it is may be preventable. She shows Selena a picture of her children and tells her that her children need her to be around.

Over in Birmingham, Dianna thinks the field show is looking good so they move on to the pom-pom routine.

Back in Jackson, the intro and outro of the trio look good so Kayla asks the trio to perform. Kayla thinks Princess looks out of place as she is not as powerful as Crystianna and Makya.


Mimi is accompanying Selena to a doctor's performance and the doctor asks her when her seizures first started. Selena remains silent and Mimi fills the doctor in on her history. Selena reveals she checked herself out of the hospital after her recent seizure and the doctor is not impressed. The doctor explains what tests he will perform and the possible causes of her seizures.

That evening in Jackson, the trio are practicing again and Princess is still struggling to give more power. Outside, Tanishia says that if Princess does not get the captain's position then they will leave the team. Maraela says she hopes Tanishia will stick to her word.

At Selena's house, Selena tells the twins about her day at the doctor and that she has been referred to a specialist. The twins are happy she is getting the help she needs. Selena becomes emotional and reveals she is scared to sleep because she worries she will not wake up the next day. She promises to look after herself so she can be there for her family.

Over in Birmingham, one of the dancers, Gerbria, is struggling through the pom-pom routine. Dianna starts shouting at her and tells her to focus. They move on to the field show.


Dianna and Quincy meet in the hallway of the venue and Quincy says he is glad she has a new baby team cause the Jackson Baby Dolls could not beat his squad. Miss D is confident that her team will win and she walks away.

The competition begins with the baby field show category and the Baby Prancing Tigerettes perform well. Miss D gives the Baby Dolls a pep talk before they perform and she thinks they look nervous. The Baby Dolls start performing and Dianna notices a lot of mistakes. Miss D takes them back to the dressing room and Marquell and her start yelling at them about the performance.

The pom-pom category begins and all the other teams have strong performances. The Baby Dolls perform their pom-pom routine and it goes a lot better than their field show. Dianna is very happy with their performance.

The big girl trio category is next and Royal Elite and NODC perform well. The Tigerettes perform next with a hip hop-themed routine which is new for this team. Finally, the Dolls are performing and the team perform well.

The awards ceremony begins and the Big Dolls win the trio category. The Baby Dolls do not place in the field show category but they get first place in the pom-pom category.

Competing Teams[]


Baby Field Show[]

  • Baby Dancing Dolls vs. Baby Prancing Tigerettes vs. various teams
    • 1st Place: Royal Elite
    • 2nd Place: Baby Prancing Tigerettes

Baby Pom-Pom[]

  • Baby Dancing Dolls vs. Baby Prancing Tigerettes vs. various teams
    • 1st Place: Baby Dancing Dolls
    • 2nd Place: Baby Prancing Tigerettes & Paparazzi Princesses


  • Dancing Dolls vs. various teams
    • 1st Place: Dancing Dolls


  • The competition took place on February 3rd, 2018.
  • There will be 20 teams at this competition.
  • Selena reveals both of her parents had health issues and both of her parents died young.
  • Royal Elite is coached by Frezell. The team is from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
  • Tyrus Sellers is seen at the competition but his team is not shown to have performed.
  • The competition is held at Antioch High School in Nashville, Tennessee.