"Stands and Deliver" is the seventh episode of Season 5 of Bring It!. It first aired on August 16th, 2018.
The Dolls face off against their biggest foes, The Prancing Tigerettes and Divas of Olive Branch, in a heated Stands in Stands battle with a live band. Dianna finally takes Crystianna off probation and puts her to the test leading floor stands, but Crystianna fails to impress during practice. Meanwhile, a desperate Selena enlists the help of the DDP to convince Dianna to let her and the twins back in the Dollhouse.
This week's competition is in Memphis, Tennessee at the 'Battle of the Bands' competition. There will be a stand battle.
Dana, Faith, and Dominic talk about last week's trip to Atlanta and Dana is more convinced on Dominic's plan but it is up to Faith. Faith thanks her father for the trip and she decides she is not ready to move to Atlanta at the moment. Dominic is shocked but he is supportive of her decision.
Faith and Dana arrive at the Dollhouse and the other DDPs update Dana on what happened last week with Selena. Dana is shocked at this revelation.
Inside the studio, Miss D only has her best dancers in practice and she reveals that this week's competition will involve them performing in bleachers alongside a marching band. Each team will perform their stands in the bleachers and the best two teams will them have a stand battle on the dance floor to determine the winner. Camryn is looking forward to this as it is good practice for when she tries out for the dance team at Southern University.
Dianna removes Makya, Kanarie, and Crystianna from suspension and she chooses Crystianna as her captain for the week. She will lead the team in the final round of the stand battle only if they pass the first round. Camryn will be the captain of the team when they perform in the bleachers. The Dolls start practising and they bring out chairs so they can practice the stands in the bleachers. Makalah is chosen as the tail of the squad, and she will need to do some extra choreography after the rest of the team has sat down.
Outside on the porch, Mimi receives a call from Selena who is across the street in her car. Selena asks for the DDPs to come over and give her some advice. Mimi, Tina, and Dana make their way over to her and Selena says she does not know what to do to get her and her girls back on the team. Mimi, Tina, and Dana say they will talk to her.
Mimi, Tina, and Dana come to the studio to talk to Dianna about Selena. Dianna says that she wants Selena to come speak to her herself and that Selena knows she broke the rules. Miss D tells them goodbye and the mothers leave.
That evening, Mr Torrey announces Dianna will not be there for the start of practice. Torrey tells them to practice one of their stands and Kanarie starts telling the girls to line up. Torrey tells Crystianna not to let Kanarie take over. As they practice, Torrey stops them as Crystianna is not telling the girls to fix their formations.
Dianna continues practice and she wants to the girls to put more attitude into their moves as they sit down.
Selena comes to Dianna's office to apologise to her. Dianna says she is suspending the twins for an indefinite amount of time and that it is Selena's fault.
At Valisa's house, Valisa comes to check on Crystianna. Crystianna feels there is not a lot of focus on the stand battle as they are focused on the stands in the bleachers. Valisa motivates Crystianna to be more confident and strong.
Dianna holds practice at a gymnasium so the Dolls can practice their stands in the bleachers. The marching band could not make it as the roads are too icy. Dianna is impressed with the progress they have made. They move on to practising the stands on the dance floor and their formations are still wrong. Dianna gets annoyed that Crystianna is not speaking up. Later, Crystianna is being more vocal and helping girls individually with the moves. Dianna is impressed but she wants Crystianna to keep it up.
Dianna is taking a moment alone before the start of the competition and then Neva comes to speak to her. Neva insults Dianna's hair and Dianna is not happy about it. Neva claims that the competition is hers today and Miss D wishes her luck.
The competition begins and the Prancing Tigerettes and the Divas of Olive Branch battle first. The Divas come out using a rock band and during their performance they have a costume change. Dianna loves it and tells Neva. The Tigerettes win this round and Neva is disappointed.
The Dolls are battling the Cowborettes next and Cowborettes and their band perform well. During the Dolls' performance, the band is not playing well so the Dolls are struggling with timing. The Dolls win this round and move on to the finals.
The final stand battle is on the dance floor. The Tigerettes perform a move called 'The Wheel' which impresses the DDPs. The Dolls perform next and they gets too close to the middle line. If this is crossed the team could be deducted points. Crystianna moves the team back successfully.
The award ceremony begins and the Dancing Dolls win the stand battle. Both Camryn and Crystianna collect the trophy. Quincy talks to his team afterwards and he believes his team was cheated out of the win. Dianna congratulates her team for their performance today,
Competing Teams[]
- Dancing Dolls
- Divas of Olive Branch
- Prancing Tigerettes
- Cowborettes
Stands in Stands[]
- ROUND 1: Prancing Tigerettes vs. Divas of Olive Branch
- Winner: Prancing Tigerettes
- ROUND 2: Dancing Dolls vs. Cowborettes
- Winner: Dancing Dolls
Stand Battle[]
- Dancing Dolls vs. Prancing Tigerettes
- Winner: Dancing Dolls
- One of the stands they are performing is called "No Ceiling".