"Rivals United for a Cause" is the fourth episode of Season 5 of Bring It!. It first aired on March 23rd, 2018.
Coach D organizes a show-stopping competition to raise money for dance teams who lost their studios in Hurricane Harvey. It's a full house as all of Coach D's rivals, both friends and foes, battle it out in competition for a cause. Meanwhile, tensions rise between two new DDP who can't seem to put aside their differences.
This week's competition is in Dallas, Texas at the 'Hurricane Harvey Relief Showcase'. There will be a call-out round and a creative dance. The Jackson and Birmingham Dolls will perform together at the showcase.
Torrey comes into Miss D's office where she tells him about Hurricane Harvey in Texas and she wants to put together a fundraiser for the teams that were affected by the hurricane. She is going to take the girls off probation this week as she wants them to participate. Mr Torrey asks if she is sure and she says she is. He leaves her to finish off her work.
Miss D starts practice and announces the showcase she is putting together alongside some other teams they know. They are also hosting a 'Dance Like A Doll' workshop to teach girls how to dance like a Dancing Doll. Both events will charge a fee which will be donated to the victims of the hurricane. Miss D asks for the DDPs to come up with a fundraiser and she leaves Tina in charge of it. After some discussion, the mothers decide to sell gumbo. They will compete against each other to make the best gumbo. Maraela does not know what gumbo is.
Back inside the studio, Miss D announces the call-out round and that the girls are off probation. Valisa is very happy to hear that. The six potential captains are going to audition to participate in the call-out round as well as Jaylene. Daija and Princess battle first. Then Crystianna auditions. Next, Kanarie and Jaylene battle. Shakira, Tanesha and Makya perform off-screen. Miss D decided on her three dancers and she chose Crystianna, Princess and Jaylene. Maraela is very happy that Jaylene did so well but the other mothers are unhappy as Jaylene is not a potential captain.
Jaylene and Maraela are driving to practice and Maraela is confident she is going to make a great gumbo. Jaylene says she feels nervous about the call-out round and she does not want to let Miss D down. Maraela gives Jaylene some advice and tells her to not be intimidated and to be herself.
Crystianna and Valisa are also driving to practice and they are discussing the call-out round. Crystianna feels confident about the call-out round and Valisa thinks her daughter will be the next captain. They do their handshake.
Tina has taken the DDPs to the Jackson Community Centre where they can all have their gumbo cook-off. Maraela says she is making a Puerto Rican dish called Asopao. The mothers start cooking. Valisa and Maraela argue over a chopping board and Tina tells them to stop. An hour later, Tina does a blind taste test of the gumbos and Dana and Mimi's gumbo wins.
At the studio, Miss D is working on creating the 'Dance Like A Doll' workshop, which is taking place the next day. The Dolls are not taking practice seriously and Miss D is disappointed in them. She reiterates the reason they are doing the event. The girls understand the impact of the hurricane and the importance of what they are doing and start to take practice seriously.
The 'Dance Like A Doll' event is today, the dancers pick up the choreography well and have fun.
The gumbo sale is also today. Mimi and Tina are in the food truck while the other mothers are trying to promote the sale. Selena, Tanishia, and Dana discuss the tension between Maraela and Valisa and they hypothesise that Dianna could be considering Jaylene for the captain's position. At the end of the day, the DDPs make a lot of money.
Later, they go to the studio to sort out uniforms for the fundraiser tomorrow. Valisa and Maraela start bickering again and the other DDPs ask them what is going on. Maraela feels that Valisa has had it out for her since she joined the team and Valisa feels the same way. Valisa thinks that Maraela is a bragger and smug. Maraela says she is not smug and that Valisa does not like her because her daughter is getting attention from Dianna. Valisa denies this and Dana asks the pair to say something nice about each other. Valisa says Maraela has a great personality. Maraela says that Valisa is a hardworking mother and she cares deeply for Crystianna.
Dianna introduces Tyrus as the host of the event. The dancers all perform their creative dances and they all go well. Then Dana, Valisa, and Selena sit down with some of the members of the team, Dance The Dream, from Texas whilst the competition is on a break. The team's coach expresses her upset at what happened and how hard she worked to build her studio. She says she is trying to stay strong for her students and she cries. She feels hopeful that she and her team will make it through the hardship. The DDPs hug the other team.
Now, three teams will be chosen to compete against the Dancing Dolls in the call-out round. The teams are the Dazzling Divas of Macon, the Next Level Dance Team, and the Prancing Pearls of Excellence. In round 1, Princess is the first Dolls to compete against the other teams and she wins her round. In round 2, Jaylene performs for the Dolls and the dancer from Next Level has a broken arm. Miss D is impressed with his performance. Jaylene performs last and she does her contortion moves which impresses the crowd. The Next Level dancer is impressed with Jaylene. The judges confer and they choose Jaylene as the winner. Crystianna performs for the Dolls in round 3 and she impresses the crowd. Crystianna wins her round and thus the Dolls will donate money to charity in their name.
Miss D does the closing ceremony and announces that she is giving each team a plaque and she has selected some teams from Houston to donate their money to from the fundraisers earlier in the week. This is because the hurricane was the worst there. Dance The Dream is given $1000 to help them rebuild. Dianna announces there is one more challenge, the coaches are going to ride a mechanical bull. Neva is first and she doesn't last long. Then Charkeitha, then Tyrus, then Kehli, then Mr Torrey. Kehli wins the bull riding contest and so $1000 is being donated to the Red Cross in the name of the Divas of Compton.
Competing Teams[]
- Dancing Dolls
- Divas of Olive Branch
- Divas of Compton
- Xplosive Dance Company
- A Girls Dance Team
- Dazzling Divas of Macon
- Dazzlin Starz (unseen)
- Divas of Distinction & Angels of Perfection (unseen)
- Next Level Cheer & Dance Company
- Prancing Pearls of Excellence
- Dance The Dream
- Dreams N Motion
- Cedar Hill Highsteppers
- Dance The Dream
- Xclusive Allstars
- Sparkling Diamondettes
- Jazzy Jewels (unseen)
- Dance Force Elite (unseen)
- All Starz Elite Dance Company (unseen)
- The Empire (unseen)
- Fierce Elite Diamonds (unseen)
- Prancing Powerettes (unseen)
- PRO STATUS (unseen)
- Pythons Drill Team of Kansas City (unseen)
- ... and more teams.
Call-Out Round[]
- ROUND 1: Dancing Dolls (Princess) vs. Next Level Dance Company vs. Dazzling Divas of Macon vs. Prancing Pearls of Excellence
- Winner: Princess
- ROUND 2: Dancing Dolls (Jaylene) vs. Next Level Dance Company vs. Dazzling Divas of Macon vs. Prancing Pearls of Excellence
- Winner: Jaylene
- ROUND 3: Dancing Dolls (Crystianna) vs. Next Level Dance Company vs. Dazzling Divas of Macon vs. Prancing Pearls of Excellence
- Winner: Crystianna
- The teams featured on the episode that were affected by the hurricane are Dance The Dream Studios.
- The DDPs sold their gumbo for four dollars.
- There are over 30 teams at the fundraising event.
- Tyrus is hosting the event.
- [1] Post from the Dancing Dolls.