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Breaking The Curse Of The B-Squad
Season 5, Episode 20
Episode Information
No. in Season 20
No. in Series 118
Air Date February 28, 2019
Location Jackson, Mississippi
Competition Name/Host Fearless On The Floor
# of viewers (in millions) 0.52
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"Breaking The Curse Of The B-Squad" is the twentieth episode of Season 5 of Bring It!. It first aired on February 28th, 2019.


The B-Squad attempts to break their losing "curse" as they prepare for an epic Stand Battle including participation from the DDP and the boys. Dancing Doll Alumni, Kayla and Sunjai return to help coach, but the Dollhouse quickly becomes a madhouse as the DDP fail to impress, the boys struggle with stands, and the B-Squad suffers from lack of confidence. Meanwhile, Coach D struggles with a difficult decision that could change the fate of Jackson Dollhouse forever.


This week's competition is in Jackson, Mississippi at the 'Fearless On The Floor' competition. There will be a stand battle.


The DDPs are inside the Dollhouse stretching. Tina says they all got a call last night telling them to come to practice in dancing clothes. Miss D begins practice and reveals that the B-Squad will be performing during the stand battle this week and Kanarie will be leading them. Marquell is also back this week after having taken the Birmingham Dolls to a national competition. He tells the boys he will be teaching the boys two stands. The parents are told that they will be a part of the stand battle. Dianna says she will not be at the competition as she will be at the third Dollhouse in Georgia, they are having new students signing up this weekend. Marquell calls inside Sunjai and Kayla to help coach the B-Squad. He is left in charge as Dianna leaves the studio with Cobe.

Marquell is training the boys, Kanarie is training the B-Squad, and Camryn is in charge of the DDP. Practice is not going well with the parents and Camryn is worried about their progress. Marquell holds cuts for the DDP. Brandon and Ava, A'Shari's mother, perform first. Then Maraela, Tanishia, and Tina perform next. Finally, Mimi, Raeneisha, and Ann (Madyson's mother) perform the stand. Ava, Ann, and Maraela are cut by Marquell.


In Atlanta, Miss D is holding registrations for the Atlanta Dollhouse. There are a lot of dancers who have come to sign up.

Back in Jackson, Faith is training the boys today, Sunjai is training the DDP and Dana is training with them after being out of town yesterday. Kanarie shows Marquell the progress she has made with the B-Squad and they do not go well. JJ joins the boy's team and he starts dancing with them. He is not doing well. Sunjai is also struggling with the DDPs


Marquell chooses to have cuts for the DDP and he decides to cut Brandon and Raeneisha. Then, Marquell asks to see the boys and he is impressed with their performance. However, JJ does not do the backflip he has planned and he promises to do it at the competition. Marquell is unhappy about that but he moves on to the B-Squad. He has brought the B-Squad some food and drinks that they are allowed to have after they have shown Marquell what they have been working on. The B-Squad continue to practice for four hours and then they are allowed to grab some snacks before they go home.

Dianna is in a meeting with her assistant and she is exhausted from the opening. The assistant asks if Dianna has considered moving to Atlanta as this studio has triple the number of dancers than the Jackson one. Dianna says she will think about it.


Dianna video calls the team before the competition and she wishes them luck and tells Kanarie she is rooting for her. Kanarie is pleasantly surprised by Dianna's words for her and the team.

The competition begins with the Dolls battling the Divas of Dance in the semi-finals. The Divas bring out their mothers and Coach Chelsea, and Selena is impressed with the team. Kanarie then throws the Dolls' first stand and the team do well, then JJ and the boys come out and JJ successfully does his backflip. The Dolls win this round and move on to the finals against Next Level Dance Team.

Next Level performs first and they use their parent's team and boys. Then, the Dolls perform and Marquell joins the team on the floor. The boys join Marquell and then Kayla gets on the floor and does a solo. Sujai comes out and does a solo as well. The DDP finally come out and impress the crowd.

The awards ceremony begins and the Dolls win the competition. Kanarie accepts the trophy and runs back to the team. Marquell tells the team he is proud of them all.

Competing Teams[]


Stand Battle[]

  • SEMI-FINAL 1: Dancing Dolls v. Divas of Dance
    • Winner: Dancing Dolls
  • SEMI-FINAL 2: Next Level Dance Team vs. A Girls Dance Team
    • Winner: Next Level Dance Team
  • FINAL ROUND: Dancing Dolls vs. Next Level Dance Team
    • Winner: Dancing Dolls


  • Next Level Dance & Drill Team is coached by Judee Brown. The team is based in Cincinnati, Ohio.
  • The B-Squads first loss was to A Girls Dance Team.
  • Selena joins in the practice for the DDP stand but she does not audition for it.
  • Selena met JJ when he was 19 and he was in a step group.