"B-Squad Goals" is the fifth episode of Season 5 of Bring It!. It first aired on March 30th, 2018.
Coach D decides to put the B-Squad on the frontline for Stand Battle this week. Will a potential new captain be able to get the girls in shape, or will the B-Squad crumble under pressure? The DDP consult a Jackson psychic who has an unsettling prediction about future shake-ups in the Dollhouse. Meanwhile, Faith's dad surprises her with huge potential opportunity that could take her away from Jackson.
This week's competition is in Hattiesburg, Mississippi at the 'You Better Buck' competition. There will be a stand battle.
Dianna announces that due to the texting issue from a few weeks ago, Crystianna, Kanarie, and Makya are back on probation this week and are not in the running for any leading roles this week.
The parents discuss how this incident has caused a lot of changes in the team and there is a bad atmosphere. Maraela asks if they want to see a psychic to help get rid of the bad energy from the group. The other DDPs agree to see the psychic.
Back inside the studio, the B-Squad is told that they need to compete this week and win for the A-Squad to compete in the finals of the competition. She chooses Princess to lead the B-Squad. The B-Squad start practice and Princess says she feels nervous about leading the team. Dianna asks Princess to be more aggressive. She maintains the aggression at the start but she loses it by the end.
Dana complains that Faith's dad, Dominic, is texting her a lot and asking for her and Faith to come have dinner with him. Dana and Faith are at the restaurant looking at what food they want to order. Dominic hugs Faith and Dana as he arrives and he asks Faith about school. Dominic talks to the pair about the opportunities that are being presented in Atlanta and he has talked to a few talent agents there. He says they should both consider moving to Atlanta where Faith can pursue a career in acting. Dana is unhappy about this as Faith is in her senior year and she wants her to graduate in Jackson. Dominic says that she could graduate in Atlanta. Dana is resolute in saying no. They decide to change the subject and enjoy the rest of the dinner.
At the studio, the A-Squad is practicing for the stand battle and Dianna yells at Princess who is allowing her team to sit down and talk instead of practicing their stands. She calls them up to practice their stand for her. Miss D is unimpressed with their performance. Star and Sky are having timing issues and she starts yelling at them when some of the girls start laughing to themselves. Dianna tells Princess that she doesn't care about the success of her team. She tells Princess she needs to be more vocal and that the success of the team depends on her.
Dana has invited Dominic over so they can pick up the conversation from dinner last night. Dana tells him that she does not like being blindsided and that they are meant to work like a team when parenting Faith. He says that he and his brother's careers did not take off in Jackson and that Atlanta moved his career forward. He wants Faith to have the same opportunities as him. Dana says that she did not like the way he went about this topic. Dominic leaves.
The DDPs meet with the psychic healer today. The psychic asks if there are any sceptics and Tina admits she is. The psychic says she will do individual readings first. She does a reading for Mimi first and the psychic gives Mimi a message from her grandfather. Mimi gets emotional at what is being said. Then, the psychic moves on to Valisa and she says she feels some sadness in Valisa's life. In an interview, she talks about her husband's death. The psychic connects with her husband and says he is in a great place. Valisa feels better hearing how he is doing well. Then, the psychic turns to Maraela and she can sense the tension she feels towards the other DDPs. The psychic says that change is coming and that they should not fight it.
Later on, the parents are outside the studio and Tanishia talks about how she spoke to Princess earlier on the way to practice, Princess is wary that she is new and she is looked at like a Krab, but she knows what she needs to do to succeed. Tina says that she seems improvements in Princess today.
Dianna pits the A-Squad against the B-Squad in a stand battle and Dianna also sees the improvements in Princess. The B-Squad did well and Dianna feels comfortable with putting them on the floor tomorrow.
That evening, Dominic comes over to Dana's house to say goodbye to Faith. The three of them sit down and Dana agrees that Atlanta is a great opportunity but that it cannot happen right now. Dominic suggests they come to Atlanta for a week and he will show them the opportunities there for themselves. Faith thinks it's a good idea and Dana agrees to it. They are going to make the trip next week.
Dianna gives the B-Squad a pep talk before the competition. The DDPs talk about Princess and the parents all want her to do well. Princess leads the B-Squad onto the floor for the stand battle and they are battling the ABM Dancing Divas first. There are a few minor mistakes but the B-Squad performs well. The second stand goes well but Dianna notices some of the dancers are already tired. The fast stands are over and they move on to the medium stands. The B-Squad start performing but their energy is low. The judges decide that ABM Dancing Divas win this round. Selena cries over the result.
Competing Teams[]
- Dancing Dolls
- A Girls Dance Team
- Black Pearlz of Ohio
- ABM Dancing Divas
Stand Battle[]
- SEMI-FINAL 1: Dancing Dolls vs. ABM Dancing Divas
- Winner: ABM Dancing Divas
- SEMI-FINAL 2: A Girls Dance Team vs. Black Pearlz of Ohio
- Winner: unknown winner
- FINAL ROUND: ABM Dancing Divas vs. unknown
- Winner: ABM Dancing Divas
- The ABM Dancing Divas are coached by Rhonda. The team are from Cambridge, Maryland and they have been around for 2 years when the episode was filmed.
- Faith, Dana, and Dominic meet at an Italian restaurant called Bravo! in Jackson, Mississippi.
- Faith says she is getting straight A's in school.
- The psychic healer is called Jill and she also goes by the 'Mississippi Medium'.
- Black Pearlz LLC is coached by Tiana Jones.
- This is the first appearance of the Black Pearlz and ABM Dancing Divas.